Martynas Kašelionis

I am


I have loved WEB technologies for a very long time, I have seen how they have evolved, changed and I like what level they are at now. I am a talkative programmer who enjoys passing on new knowledge or experience to others as soon as I receive it. I love change, so I will successfully apply my new ideas to my business.

HTML5 100%
Vanilla JavaScript 75%
React Js 70%
PHP 80%
Docker 50%
Drupal/CMS 80%
Prestashop 70%
Laravel 75%
Agile SCRUM 85%
Project managment 100%
Teaching 100%


Architecting Tomorrow's Online Experience

WEB application architecture consulting (included all layers) 50,00 Eur/h
WEB application support service for non-existent clients of my hosting services 30,00 Eur/h
WEB application support service for clients of my hosting services15,00 Eur/h
Hosting for your WEB application on Ubuntu server (Nginx, Maria DB, PHP 8.1) with WEB app support30,00 Eur/month
WEB application security audit 30,00 Eur/h
Teaching (HTML5, SASS, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs Express, PHP, Laravel, Drupal, Prestashop, Git, Deployment) from 30,00 Eur/h





+370 612 17830

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